Sunday, 10 November 2013

Holiday in November

Just back from a week long break. We started off heading down to Augusta, the most South West tip of Australia to Join Mo and Bill in their house swap holiday house. It just also happened to be the one weekend of the year when Augusta is full of life and hosts an "Adventure Race" running, mountain biking, swimming and kayaking. It also happened to coincide with a storm so we were perfectly content windsurfing in a F6-7 but the swimmers and kayakers were less so.
Once the race left town it returned to being a very sleepy place and we whiled away a few days at nearby wineries and beaches, making use of the kayaks that came with the house and our assortment of toys.
As the wind was looking good we then headed off to Lancelin on Wednesday and managed to get a few days good windsurfing in. We also discovered that you can get to Lancelin Island fairly easily on paddle boards and it's a great no wind alternative, there some photos here from our little trip.
Oh yes and as well as lots of sun wind and lovely beaches we also saw a lot of dolphins. They seemed to swim past our little camp 3-4 times each day. I also had a seal pop up and say hello when I was windsurfing on the reefs.